Mercer University and Mercer Health Sciences Center are sponsors of the annual Atlanta Science Festival, which culminates in the Exploration Expo, to be held 10 a.m.-4 p.m. March 25 at Piedmont Park.
The festival, launched in 2014, is a two-week celebration of science and technology. Taking place March 10-25, it features 150 interactive and educational events. The expo, a giant science bash that is free and open to the public, promotes science exploration, discovery and innovation through hands-on interactive booths, live demonstrations and shows.
At the expo, Mercer will offer demonstrations from the Georgia Baptist College of Nursing, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of Health Professions, College of Pharmacy and School of Engineering around the theme “How Does Science Impact Your Life?”
Dr. Sonique Sailsman, assistant professor of nursing, will demonstrate a variety of lung and heart sounds using “SAM” — the College of Nursing’s Simulated Auscultation Manikin. SAM is an innovative teaching tool to assist in learning about normal and abnormal sounds such as wheezing and heart murmurs. In addition, visitors will learn how to count their pulse, feel a carotid pulse and use a stethoscope. This demonstration is scheduled for 10-11:10 a.m.
How Does Your Brain Work?
Dr. Katharine Northcutt, associate professor of biology, will show how the brain works by making models of brain cells and learning how they communicate with one another. Visitors can look at and touch real sheep brains to see how millions of these cells are grouped together to make a brain. The demonstration also will explore how the brain allows us to taste different foods and how the brain can be tricked into tasting flavors that aren’t there. This demonstration is scheduled for 11:10 a.m.-12:20 p.m.
Healthy Hand Hygiene: Stop Germs, Go Clean
Dr. Cheryl Gaddis, associate professor of practice and chair of the Department of Public Health, will show…
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