The electric revolution marches on, with the US set on achieving new growth milestones every year. Changes in global transportation and mobility are being driven by the climate change issue, with the shift to electric vehicles (EVs) viewed as a vital point in decreasing carbon emissions. Recently, StorageCafe conducted a study to identify the best-equipped metro areas for EVs.
We rated over 100 metropolitan areas based on 17 key metrics such as the number of EVs, availability of public chargers, price of electricity (expressed as an eGallon), dedicated highway systems (HOV and HOT lanes), condition of roads, clean energy, EV insurance costs and local incentives.
Californian EV hubs are hard to rival, but ATL is marching steadily towards an electric future. The Atlanta metropolitan area ranks 21st in terms of e-car friendliness, mainly prompted by a strong EV ownership mindset, the overall favorable infrastructure, the growing availability of charging stations in rental buildings and affordable fuel costs.
Here are a few key findings about the Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Alpharetta metropolitan area:
The metro area saw an impressive 45% increase year-over-year in electric vehicles in 2021, with over 27,000 EVs on the streets.
Atlanta is also making important strides in ensuring the right infrastructure to stimulate EV uptake. There are now 0.5 public charging stations per 1,000 households. Moreover, renters also have greater convenience these days as nearly 5.7% of apartment buildings offer charging stations.
With an eGallon costing roughly $1 and insurance rates averaging around $181 per month, owning an electric car in Atlanta is not only environmentally friendly but also affordable.
Atlanta boasts 87.9% of public transportation that runs on clean fuel and more than 2.4% of lane mileage that is dedicated to high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) highways.
What do you think? Will your next car be electric? You can find the full report, together…
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