The Big Picture: Dr. Puja Uppal, Family Medicine, “Living solo? A furry friend may help keep your mind sharp!”
Doctor’s Expert Insights about Pets and Your Brain Health in Georgia
Know this: “Recent research is showing that for those over 50 and living alone–a furry friend can help slow down memory loss, and cognitive decline. Simple acts of taking care of pets through interaction, exercise, and communication, all acts of love, might be rewarding your brain by keeping it healthy and active. This insight can be particularly beneficial for people who are at a higher risk of cognitive decline. Now, keep in mind, this study doesn’t show a complete correlation between pet ownership and a reduction in cognitive function. Rather, it shows that keeping your mind active is the best way to slow and delay cognitive decline–and your pets may help play an important role in maintaining good brain health.” Dr. Adriana Davis, Family Medicine.
Beyond the news: This research adds to existing evidence that suggests pet ownership can help in healthy aging.
Next steps: Silver Sneakers provides free gym memberships and online fitness options for seniors in and around Hinesville. Find out if you’re eligible (Visit Resource Here)
Key Findings:
“Perceived social support between humans is thought to provide benefits to mental health both directly and indirectly via stress buffering (Thoits, 2011). Although pets are not capable of providing tangible or instrumental support (e.g., a car ride to a doctor’s appointment), some studies suggest that they may provide owners with emotional support, particularly when owners are otherwise socially isolated…” (Study Source)
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Data Show:
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