The Big Picture: Dr. Puja Uppal, Family Medicine, “Children’s future heart health is at risk if they’re not engaged in physical activities.”
Doctor’s Expert Insights Children’s Heart Health and Physical Activity in Georgia
Know this: “There’s good news in this somewhat scary finding. First, the research shows that kids who aren’t active during their childhood years could end up with high cholesterol and a higher chance of heart problems when they enter adulthood. But, the study also found that light physical activity, even if it decreases over time, can significantly lower cholesterol risks as children enter adulthood. So, for kids, moving around lightly, even for 3 to 4 hours a day could be a game-changer for heart health in the long run. Also, keep in mind that children often mimic behaviors found in the home–so if possible, everybody go for a brisk walk!” Dr. Lindsay Boik-Price, Emergency Medicine.
Beyond the news: This study continues to highlight the findings that present-day actions can help reduce future chronic disease risks. More specifically, promoting early lifestyle modifications could potentially alter the trajectory of cardiovascular disease prevalence in future generations.
Key Findings:
“In the temporal path analyses, higher MVPA at age 15 years was associated with lower low-density lipoprotein cholesterol at 24 years (SE, 0.01, P = .022) but not vice versa.” (Study Source)
The data was analyzed via a specific type of statistical technique called a “temporal path analysis.”
“MVPA” stands for Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity. “Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol” is often referred to as “bad” cholesterol.
Data Show:
Higher levels of moderate to vigorous physical activity at 15 years old were linked to lower levels of bad cholesterol at 24 years old.
The specific statistical details (“SE, 0.01, P = .022”) indicate…
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