As the number of people who are playing pickleball goes up, new research is showing that there’s been a significant increase in fractures among older pickleball players.
The Big Picture: Dr. Adriana Davis, Family Medicine, “Keep playing! Just practice safety on the pickleball court!”
Doctor’s Expert Insights about Pickleball Injuries and Your Health in Chatham County, Georgia
Know this: “The findings of this study are important to understand because it seems to show that one particular demographic group is most affected–older adults, particularly those in their sixties. The increase in fractures, especially in women over 65 is something to be aware of before you start your pickleball playing career. The study highlights the importance of recognizing that there are some risks involved when playing pickleball–especially for those with osteoporosis. I recommend that if you’re able to do any physical activity–do so! Just do it in a safe and injury-mitigating manner. Talk to your healthcare team!” Dr. Lindsay Boik-Price, Emergency Medicine.
Chatham County Focus: Pickleball Injuries
Watch a Short Video About 2 common pickleball injuries.
Health News Today for Chatham County
Key Findings:
Surge in Fractures
“There was a 90-fold increase in fractures,” with a significant rise observed from 2020 onward.
Demographic Trends
The majority of fractures were seen in women aged 65 years and older, primarily in the upper extremities. Mainly resulting from falls.
Researchers noted that this trend is indicative of “diminishing bone health of this postmenopausal population.”
Gender Disparities in Fracture Admissions
Despite the higher incidence of fractures in women, men were “2.3 times more likely to be admitted for a fracture.” This is attributed to the nature and severity of fractures in men–which often involve the lower extremities. And these types of…
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