New research is showing that there may be a link between polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and poorer cognitive function in middle age and beyond.
The Big Picture: Dr. Puja Uppal, Family Medicine, “We’re learning more about the impact of PCOS on future cognitive function.”
Doctor’s Expert Insights about PCOS and Brain Function for Chatham County, Georgia
Know this: “As you may know, PCOS has already been tied to obesity, diabetes, and heart issues. However, its effects on cognition are less understood. This new research is going to add to our understanding of how PCOS impacts brain and cognitive function. Also, please keep in mind that further studies are needed to understand the connection between polycystic ovary syndrome and cognitive impairment. More research will also examine whether lifestyle interventions such as regular exercise and mental health support can enhance brain health and function for those diagnosed with PCOS. As for now, if you have PCOS, I strongly recommend that you have your A1c and cholesterol levels monitored. Talk to your healthcare team!” Dr. Puja Uppal, Family Medicine.
Health Standard Newswire: PCOS is a common disorder that affects approximately 8%–15% of women.
Health News Today for Chatham County
Key Findings:
The study examined the data of women participants in the CARDIA study over a period of 30 years. During the duration of the study, the women were given tests of memory, verbal skills, processing speed, and attention, among others.
Women with PCOS scored significantly lower on tests of memory, attention, and verbal abilities compared to those without PCOS.
Also of note, brain scans of a subset of participants showed that women with PCOS had “lower white matter integrity”– indicating potential early brain aging.
This study does not prove PCOS causes cognitive decline, but it does show an association…
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