A school bus driver is being dubbed as a hero after she saved the lives of more than 30 students, while eight months pregnant, before the bus she was driving went up in flames.
Imunek Williams’ selfless act took place on May 31 during the last week of school for many school districts across America. She said that her morning started off normal before she noticed a strange odor and smoke while on her bus route.
“I just feel like I had to stay calm,” Williams told WTMJ, adding that it was her “job to stay calm.”
Williams said she tried to use her radio to call dispatch, but could barely speak because of the smoke.
“I couldn’t barely get what I was trying to say out because of the smoke was hitting me in the face in my eyes so I was just like OK forget the radio. Just got the kids off the bus,” Williams explained to WTMJ.
She said that her ‘mommy instincts’ kicked in next and that prompted her to evacuate the bus filled with 37 students — from kindergarteners to high schoolers.
“I just told the kids, ‘Let’s get off.’ I evacuated the bus, made sure everyone was off, and made them line up against a gate,” Williams said to WKRC. “I think that’s when it was like my mommy instincts kicked in really fast and I was just like OK come on mom let’s do it, let’s get off the bus.”
Williams quickly got the students off the bus and double-checked to make sure no child was left behind.
“I was the last person off; once I get off, I turned around and I just seen flames,” said Williams. “I wanted to make sure that I was safe, baby was safe and you know if it was my kid on the bus I would’ve wanted one of the bus drivers to act the same way that I did.”
The incident occurred just a few blocks away from their destination, Milwaukee Academy of Science.
No one was injured and emergency crews took Williams to the hospital as a precaution…
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