“God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers,” said Rudyard Kipling.
With Mother’s Day on Sunday, the MDJ asked community leaders to share something important they learned from their mothers. Here’s what they said:
Jill Sinclair, mother of real estate agent and former Marietta City Councilman Johnny Sinclair, lives in Whitlock Heights in Marietta. She worked her entire career at Lockheed on the C-130.
“My mother is descended from Massachusetts Puritans and she instilled in her children the importance of telling the truth always, and treating every person with kindness,” Johnny Sinclair said.
Angela Orange, Marietta school board member
Orange’s mother, Mary Orange, cleaned houses for a living and is now retired. She lives in Jakin, Georgia.
“One of my most poignant memories of this growing up was when one of my older brothers, who was in the Army, was called up for Operation Desert Storm in Kuwait in the early 90s,” Orange said. “I saw my mom kneel by the bed to pray every night until he returned home safely.”
State Rep. Teri Anulewicz, D-Smyrna
Bonnie Lippincott is the mother of state Rep. Teri Anulewicz, D-Smyrna.
Read the full article here