The City of East Point is proud to announce that its Public Art Coordinator Christopher Swain has been appointed to serve on the MARTA Council for the Arts. Swain will serve on Artbound, MARTA’s Public Art Program, which is dedicated to helping riders enjoy the ride to their destination with engaging visual art, dance, theater and live music.
“I’m deeply honored and equally excited about being selected to serve this two-year appointment with MARTA Artbound and their impactful artistic contributions with the community,” said Christopher Swain, East Point’s Public Art Coordinator.
The Council meets quarterly to provide perspective to MARTA’s public art programming, helping amplify the work of Artbound and advocate for public art and transit. Swain has served as the City’s Public Art Coordinator for three years and has spent over 25 years traveling throughout Africa, documenting African music, dance, sculpture, costume, painting and other visual and performance art forms. He is responsible for bringing various cultural events to the City of East Point such as Día de los Muertos, the Native American Festival and Salsa In The City. He’s also partnered with Challenge The Stats, the Atlanta Symphony Orhcestra Talent Development Program and Ballethnic to expose the community to various musical genres and talents.
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