As part of the third annual John R. Lewis Racial Justice Case Competition (JLCC), students from across the country gathered at Emory University’s Goizueta Business School on February 16 – 18 to deliver bold, innovative, and actionable recommendations around racial justice for leading companies Delta Air Lines and Taco Bell. The first of its kind student-run case competition, launched in 2021, connects leading students and corporations actively looking to address issues of racial inequality and create lasting value-driving change.
More than 30 student teams from 20 leading universities across the country participated in the competition this year. An esteemed panel of judges reviewed each finalist presentation to determine the overall champion. Jerrick Lewis, nephew of John R. Lewis and executive director of the John R. Lewis Legacy Institute, presented the competition awards.
Team “Café con Leche” from Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business earned the top prize this year for their “Ringing the Bell” strategy, a three-pronged plan designed to help sponsor organization Taco Bell achieve a more diverse supplier base with a goal of 10 percent disadvantaged business enterprise (DBE) spend. The team will split their $20,000 prize down the middle with chosen charity organization Urban Canopy, an organization pioneering the local food cycle to create a more sustainable and equitable food system on the south side of Chicago. The team also received the Audience award, accompanied by an additional $3,000 prize.
Team “I am Ready” from University of California Berkeley’s Haas School of Business secured runner up for their four-tiered approach to help Taco Bell expand opportunities for diverse supplies. The team will split their $10,000 prize with chosen charity, GirlTrek, a health and self-care movement promoting healing and health justice for Black women.
Making the Case for Change
Student teams across the country started their journey…
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