The white woman known as “Central Park Karen,” who hysterically called the police on a Black man bird-watching in New York’s Central Park on May 25, 2020, says she’s received death threats and still lives “in hiding.”
In an exclusive op-ed published by Newsweek, Amy Cooper excused her behavior and continued to place the blame on the Black man watching birds, who was later identified as Christian Cooper.
Video of the confrontation showed her calling the police and falsely claiming that she was being “threatened” by an “African American man” in the park. She claimed the video circulated online without “facts or context.”
“On May 25, 2020, in the early days of the coronavirus pandemic, when anxieties ran high, I took my dog — whom my life revolved around — for a walk,” wrote Cooper. “I visited Central Park in the morning, during the hours when dogs were allowed off-leash. On my way
home, I chose to take an unfamiliar path, landing in ‘the Ramble,’ a secluded area of Central Park.”
“Seconds later, I heard a voice boom: ‘Get out of here. You shouldn’t be here.’ I saw a man who began yelling at me that my dog should be on his leash.”
Cooper went on to claim that she was afraid because she was “a female, alone in a secluded area of Central Park” with a man yelling at her. She also noted that she was a victim of sexual assault as a teenager.
“I was completely panicked for my safety and well-being,” she continued. “Before recording me, Christian Cooper yelled out: ‘If you’re going to do what you want, I’m going to do what I want, but you’re not going to like it.’”
Cooper claimed that after Christian tried to “lure my dog to him with treats,” she thought he was trying to poison her cocker spaniel.
“My mama-bear instincts kicked in. I immediately pulled my dog tight by his collar, fearing that something would happen to him,” she wrote,…
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