Georgia and by default, Atlanta are slated for firsts in the medical marijuana space – both will be the first to distribute the cannabis derivative in pharmacies. The historic move puts Georgia which has traditionally been more rigid and restrictive than other states regarding medical marijuana which will make it one of the most progressive in the nation.
Over 400 independent pharmacies are expected to participate in the program, with the exception of chains like CVS and Walgreens.
Medical marijuana has been dispensed in Georgia via a limited medical marijuana program, although there are only seven dispensaries around the state. The use of medical marijuana is allowed for specific qualifying conditions, such as epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, Crohn’s disease, and certain forms of cancer. Patients with these conditions could apply for a Low THC Oil Registry Card.
Instead of allowing medical marijuana in its traditional form, Georgia permits the use of “low THC oil.” This oil contains low levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and high levels of cannabidiol (CBD). Patients can possess and use low-THC oil if they have a valid Low THC Oil Registry Card.
Access to medical marijuana products was limited in Georgia. Patients could not legally purchase or produce their own low-THC oil in the state. However, some licensed dispensaries were authorized to sell low-THC oil to registered patients.
Patients interested in obtaining a Low THC Oil Registry Card would need to get a recommendation from a qualified physician who was registered with the Georgia Department of Public Health.
The possession, use, or distribution of marijuana for recreational purposes remains illegal in Georgia. Possession of marijuana products with a higher THC content, not covered under the low THC oil program is still illegal.
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