As we dive into the fall season, we have to recognize the month of October, dedicated as Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
The annual campaign uses the month’s 31 days to take a moment and remember those we’ve lost, promote medical exams and prevention, and raise awareness about the disease, as well as raise funds for research.
As part of raising awareness, the Black Information Network is taking a closer look at breast cancer’s effect on our communities, and resources that specifically center our experiences.
Breast cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer deaths among American men and women. For Black women, the rate of incidence has increased in the last 40 years, breaking away from lower rates last seen in 1975, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The trend is seen especially among Black women between the ages of 60 and 79, though the age of diagnosis for Black women is typically lower than for white women.
While Black women are less likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer, they are more likely to die from breast cancer than white women, according to researchers at Johns Hopkins Medical School. A 2016 CDC report found that between 2000-2014, mortality rates among Black women with breast cancer were higher than white women, despite having a lower incidence rate.
Black women are also more likely to be diagnosed with more aggressive types of breast cancer, researchers say, in part due to a combination of biological, social, and economic factors, including stress. These types of cancer make treatment options more limited.
Resources for Us
There are several organizations dedicated to raising awareness, providing peer support, and more for Black people diagnosed with breast cancer. Through their work, many of the organizations sound the alarm on trends of this disease and more that impact our communities at higher or more aggressive rates while providing resources for those who’ve been diagnosed.
Read the full article here